Check-in: 4:00 pm or later
Check out: 10:00 am or earlier
Directions and keycode along with other information will be provided 24 hours before arrival via email.
An early arrival may be arranged for $25, pending other reservations and the housekeeping schedule. Please contact us within 24 hours of your arrival to make these arrangements. Unless you have specifically arranged for an early arrival time, please do not arrive at the property before your scheduled check in time.

Check Out
Your prompt departure is appreciated so we can prepare the cabin for any incoming guests. A late departure may be arranged for $50 per hour depending other reservations and the housekeeping schedule. If you have not arranged for a late check out, you may be charged $75 for each hour beyond 10 am you are still on property, at a minimum of one hour.
Turn thermostat to 75 degrees in the summer and 65 degrees in the winter.
Strip all bed sheets (NOT Mattress Covers) and put used sheets/pillowcases in a pile.
Place all used bath and kitchen towels in the laundry basket in the bathroom.
Wash all used dishware and place them back in the cabinet.
Bag all trash and take to the bins by the street. (Blue trash cans).
Take all un-used food items with you.
Make sure all exterior doors are locked when you leave.
Failure to comply with departure cleaning requirements resulting in excessive cleaning (trash not removed, dirty dishes, furniture moved and so on) will be charged at $45/hour, with a one-hour minimum. This also applies to the property exterior, grounds, and BBQs.